Where is Your Homeland? 你的家國在哪裏?
During their history, both parts of the divided nation of Israel were taken captive by stronger nations around them. First of all, it was the ten tribes of the northern kingdom (Israel) that were humiliated by Assyria, and finally, the two tribes (Judah) were defeated by Babylon and deported from their homeland to live amongst a strange and foreign dynasty and culture. This once proud and defiant nation of God’s people, who understood that they were God’s chosen people and who stood apart from all the others because of their distinctive calling to worship the one true God, now had to live in exile separated from all the familiar landmarks of their religious rituals and cultural distinctiveness of their homeland. Would their dedication to Yahweh survive the pressure? Would they still keep the faith and believe the old promises or would they gradually be drawn into the culture and ways of the new surroundings forced on them by the strength and expectations of their political masters?
This week’s revelations from China about where Hong Kong stands in relation to its political masters (see the previous blog ‘Who do you serve?’) leave us in no doubt that we are now entering a period of exile in our own land. It’s the same place with the same buildings and the same people (well, at least some of the old faces!), but the political landscape has undergone a dramatic change. All that we expected might happen is happening, and it has become quite clear that we are expected to comply with this new political order. However, like Israel, we do have a choice as Christians in how we will respond. Yes, we know who our God is but where is our homeland? Many of us are mourning the loss of our old ‘homeland’ in Hong Kong; some are urging us to forget the past and embrace our new motherland; others are seeking a new homeland elsewhere; and, everyone is asking where our God is in all this.
Now is the time that we are forced to take stock of our situation and understand as Christians where our homeland is. Yes, it does seem rather clichéd to say that our home is in heaven, but for many of us, this just means our final homeland after we have left the one we spend all our time and energy in now. But Jesus and the early church didn’t see it like that. They lived in another homeland that was much more real and vital than Judah or Galilee or Palestine or Rome. They were citizens of God’s kingdom first and then citizens of ‘wherever’, second. For them, there was no artificial separation between the spiritual and the material. The kingdom of God was their ‘here-and-now’ homeland intersecting in real-time with the chaos and confusion of national conflict around them. Let's be the church of Hong Kong that lives out of this reality. Yes, God is in control up there in the heavenly planning room in ways that we are not entitled to second-guess but it's our responsibility to bring him into the messiness and changing political landscapes that we inhabit.