History Makers? 締造歷史的人?
When he was President, Barack Obama was fond of the phrase ‘on the right side of history’ and used it over 30 times in his speeches. It was his way of suggesting that an issue or topic of debate for which he was advocating would eventually be seen by the rest of the world as being the right thing or for the better of humanity in general. However, history has an annoying habit of proving us wrong, often by little side events that push things off track (at least for a little while).
In the gospel accounts of both John the Baptist’s and Jesus’ ministries, Herod Antipas had his moments of power to influence history and it did not go well for him. He was the half-Jewish tetrarch appointed by Rome to administer the areas of Galilee and Perea. He was an ambitious ruler and sought to impress Rome with several grand building projects, including a whole city dedicated to the emperor Tiberius. It seems from the gospel accounts of his interactions with both the Baptist and Jesus that despite his scheming and power-seeking ego, he was intrigued by their lifestyle, teaching and miracles. Sensing that they were righteous and holy men of God, he even tried to protect them from the angry actions of others who wanted to kill them. Yet in both cases, his addiction to power proved stronger than his instinct to do the right thing. Herod Antipas will forever be known as the king on the wrong side of history responsible for authorizing the killing of both John the Baptist and Jesus.
And in both cases, it was the little things that pushed him over to the wrong side. In John Baptist’s case, it was Herod’s unwillingness to lose face in front of his friends that pushed him over to the wrong side (Luke 9); and it was Jesus’ refusal to pull off a private miracle stunt for him that made Herod get mad and give him the thumbs down (Luke 23).
As Christians, each of us is history-makers in our own little universe. We have the influence to push things towards the right side of history or let our human weaknesses explode into a side event that will push things the other way. Let’s thank God that he is the ultimate history maker and that even when we mess things up in our own personal eco-systems, he has the last word about how history ends.
前美國總統奧巴馬在任時,很喜歡「站在歷史正確的一邊」(on the right side of history)這句話,這句話在他在演講中,出現過不下三十次。他用這句話指出,他希望目前所爭取的某件事或某個立場,將來會被世界認可,證明這是個正確的決定,是為著人類的好處而做的。然而,歷史有個令人討厭的習慣,就是總愛證明我們是錯的,我們往往會因為一些小支節而(有一段時間)偏離正軌。