Lost and Found 失而復得

I have been reflecting in the last few days about losing and finding things in the context of Jesus’ three parables: The lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. Luke collects them together in chapter 15 to impress on us how important this is to our understanding of Jesus. The righteous Pharisees and scribes could not understand why it was that the tax collectors and sinners loved to be with Jesus so much and why it was that Jesus was so comfortable hanging out with them.

In the first two parables, Jesus shows them how important the lost sheep and lost coin are to their owners by the effort they make to find them. The shepherd leaves the ninety-nine and the woman sweeps out her whole house. Then the joy of finding what was lost is underlined by the party they throw to celebrate their recovery. Finally, Jesus stretches back the earthly storyline from the shepherd and the woman into the heavenly picture of God and the angels having a party in heaven. Jesus shows us just how important these ‘lost ones’ are to God.

However, in the last parable, it is the father in the earthly story who himself explains that the reason for the barbecue celebration is that the family has been reunited by the return of the lost son. In the first two parables, Jesus takes our stories and lifts them into heaven. In the last parable, He brings heaven itself down into our stories.

The implication is that God sees all of humanity as His family that is in need of restoration in one way or another. We are either lost to His love or blind to the implications of His love. We are either part of the restoration story or in need of some spiritual eye surgery. The tax collectors and sinners were so comfortable around Jesus because He first received them as a family and then secondly helped them to find a better story than the one they had known.  So often in our churches, we tend to approach it the other way round. We want the lost to hear and receive Jesus before we welcome them into the family, so making the second the precondition for the first.

But we find life more complicated than a simple either/or because humanity is the only stage on which we see our lives play out. So when a loved one dies we feel the loss so acutely because they are lost to us. No amount of effort in searching and sweeping for answers will bring them back. Yet God does come down into our stories to tell us that that which has been lost has been found. Despite the anger pain and sorrow, we can take joy that Jesus has found our loved and will restore them safely.  We can’t at present see beyond the curtains of heaven into the eternal reality of the parties and the celebration, but we can know that God’s family will one day be reunited.







Where is Your Homeland? 你的家國在哪裏?


Who Do You Serve? 你所服事的是誰?