The Empire Strikes Back 帝國反擊戰
There is a backdrop to the story of God in the Bible, which often gets overlooked in our desire to focus on the main action of his redemptive work through Jesus. This perspective is graphically depicted in the story of Daniel’s encounter with King Nebuchadnezzar (Dan 2) in which Daniel gives the king a God-inspired understanding of a dream that had troubled him. The dream depicted a huge statue with a gold head, chest and arms of silver, lower body of bronze, and legs made of iron mixed with clay. It was what happened next that disturbed the King most. In the dream, he saw a small stone smashing into the legs, toppling the statue, grinding everything to dust and the stone growing until it became a mountain filling the whole earth. What Daniel described in his interpretation of the dream was a series of strong and powerful Empires that would dominate the world, but eventually become subjected to God’s kingdom. While as Christians we rightly focus on God’s work of redemption and kingdom establishment, history shows us that much of this takes place within the context of strong Empires that might see Christianity as a threat to their own existence, just like the small stone destroying the statue.
In the last 50 years or so, theologians have been able to look at the story of God’s redemption in the historical contexts, in which it unfolds and understand more about the political and cultural tensions that exist when God’s restoration work interacts with Empires. In biblical history, two of the most significant examples are Egypt at the time of Exodus, and Rome in the time of Jesus and the early church. Based on these, theologians use the word ‘Empire’ to describe a number of common characteristics and attitudes that can form a significant challenge to Christianity. Empires are usually very powerful entities that have gained their power by a ruthless exercise of force and will maintain their power by exercising that force if necessary. However, they have a masterful means of using a synthesis of politics, religion and culture to subject the people to their will in a way which is able to produce willing service and participation as well as a strong sense of patriotism. They are often led by an authoritarian leader who has God-like status and is highly venerated by the people. Empires are typified by a top-down government style whose priority is to maintain control and stability of the nation at the expense of individual expression.
When Moses appeared before Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and demanded that he let the Israelites go so that they could worship God, he was not only challenging Pharaoh’s status as a god in front of his own people, but also acting as a union leader for Pharaoh’s slave labour force and asking for justice. It was a dangerous confrontation of Empire power. When the early church spoke about Jesus as ‘Son of God’, ‘Lord of all’, and ‘Saviour of the World’ in the cultural context of Emperor worship in Rome they were using the same titles that were reserved for Caesar as Emperor. It was this constant political tension that at certain times in their history led to the persecution and martyrdom of Christians.
It is not difficult to identify Empire characteristics in many of the political systems that surround us in the world today. And throughout history, we can see many different ways the church has tried to resolve that tension. In some cases, it has tried to exert its own power and as a result, formed unhealthy relationships with political power; in others, the church has had to become an unwilling participant within the Empire in order to survive. There are also instances where the church has been manipulated to support political power, and there are plenty of cases where it has been persecuted because it was seen as too much of a threat.
In the last 20 years, the church in Hong Kong has been able to enjoy a Christianity that has been largely free from the tension which Empire culture brings. And at the same time, we might have seen this as our normal entitlement. However, the vast breadth of biblical expression suggests to the contrary that when the church has to exist in this state of tension where nothing is taken for granted and everything is dependent on God it develops strength and vibrancy which deepens its faith and keeps it vigilant. The church exists only because Jesus is Lord. When we are forced to exist within Empire structures, we must expect to sense that tension, and we must find ways to resolve it that still upholds Jesus as our Lord. Like the first century church, we must use that tension to strengthen our faith in the face of opposition and not retreat from it.