A mélange of thoughts around theology, politics, society, religion, church, biblical justice and growing old in Hong Kong.
When John Lennon wrote this famous song for The Beatles in 1967 it was born out of a growing young hippy movement that was sweeping America. Although many would see this sentiment as just the unrealistic idealistic expression of the ‘flower power’ movement, it was seen by others as a statement reacting strongly against the politics of power and the Vietnam War in particular.
約翰.連儂(John Lennon)在1967年為披頭四(The Beatles)寫下這首名曲《你需要的就是愛》(All You Need Is Love),當時正值美國掀起的一陣嬉皮風潮。不少人認為這嬉皮風潮其實是「權力歸花兒運動」(flower power movement)某種不現實的理想化表達,但也有人認為嬉皮風潮是源於人們對越南戰爭之權力政治的強烈反對。
How we see the gospel has an enormous effect on our approach to life, the things we value, and how we interact with the world around us. Once we get used to seeing it one way, it becomes more difficult to appreciate another reality.
It was a long time after I recognised the work of Muller as God’s work of justice through him and his community of believers that I began to see that the foundations of what we often call ‘social justice’ are deeply rooted in God. We often recall the biblical verses from God that call us to ‘do justice’ (Mic 6:8), but maybe don't see so readily the verses that tell us that God ‘loves justice’ (Is 61:8) and that He ‘is just’ (Ps 9:16).